A couple of tips.

I'm on the computer for hours and hours each day.  When I first returned to work after my corneal scarring, the eye strain of that caused me considerable pain.  

I might be stating the obvious, but in case you're not aware, you can easily make the text on your computer screen larger.  You can try hitting CTRL and + at the same time - that keyboard shortcut works for me.  Alternately, you can adjust the text size in your web browser options (the specifics will depend on which web browser you use).  

Recently I also came across a free program that I find helpful.  It's called f.lux and it lets you adjust your screen's lighting settings depending on the time of day.  The program will do it automatically if you want, or you can adjust it manually.  I find it helps a lot.  You can check out the program (and download it if you're interested) here:  http://stereopsis.com/flux/

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