Another Quick Update

It's been close to two years since my corneal scarring. My doctor recently said something to the effect of "your scar has improved so much" - and it really has. I'm comfortable going outside without sunglasses. I haven't experienced pain behind my eye in a long time. I think the halos I see around lights are smaller now than they first were. My vision is still blurry but I can read with the affected eye the majority of the time now. I also see far fewer black floaters than I did in the beginning.

My vision may or may not continue to improve, but I'm hopeful that the scar will keep fading. When I think about how hopeless I felt after this happened, I can hardly believe how far I've come. It was so hard to be patient but for me, time really has led to remarkable improvements.

I see this blog is still getting quite a few hits and the occasional comment. I just wanted to check in and say best wishes to everyone who's affected by vision problems.


  1. Hello,

    I recently suffered a bout of conjunctivitis ,which was viral (though my doctor didn't seem to know it at the time.) After about 2 weeks the conjunctivitis cleared up and the eye stopped tearing, but i realised the vision in my left eye was slightly blurred and I was seeing halos around lights (especially obvious at night). I kind of panicked and saw a government doctor ,who referred me to a specialist the following Monday.I've just come back and according to the specialist the virus that caused the conjunctivitis caused a fairly severe inflammation which led to some corneal scarring in the eye.He said that most cases are treatable with steroid eyedrops though it could take weeks to months.He also mentioned that probably the only way it could have been avoided was to have taken steroid eyedrops from the very beginning of the conjunctivitis episode,but that would have been dependedt on knowing that it was viral in the first place .In any case it was great coming home and finding your blog. I wanted to commend you on your effort in collating all this information and I wish you luck in your recovery.Thanks again
    K Shah

  2. Hi K Shah, Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you found this blog helpful. I'm not a doctor, but my understanding is that steroid eyedrops cannot be taken when an infection is bacterial. I understand how frustrating it is to learn that more could have been done for you early on (in my case, my vision suffered tremendously because of an initial misdiagnosis and delay in getting proper treatment). It can be tough to not dwell on the what-ifs, I know. That said, I hope your vision is improving and you're doing well. Best wishes!

  3. please continue to update this blog. It is essential to me as my 15 yr old son with autism suffered a perforated cornea in his right eye and corneal scarring in his left, due to infection. His right eye is in bad shape having lost his lens and now his retina is detached. The left however is good with the exception of a corneal scar. The cornea specialist says it will resurface itself in "time". My son is verbal but has a hard time explaining to us what he visualizes, if anything out of the scarred cornea. It is so hard to explain to him what happened to his eyes and he constantly asks when will they get better. It has been a year since the infection in his eyes (July,2012) and the dr. says the scar is neither deep nor large. The waiting is killing us. Please continue to update this blog. I appreciate it.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your son's vision problems. I don't have anything new to report about my corneal scar, but here's a web site I found helpful shortly after my infection: When I joined the site there were lots of knowledgeable posters on there who were able to answer some of my questions and share their experiences. Good luck!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you very much for all your opinions, suggestions and tips.

  7. My pleasure, Luís. I hope they'll be of some help. :)
